The ScreenerKing Story: A Legacy of Excellence

Screener King LLC services customers throughout North America. For over 30 years we have dedicated our business to giving our valued customers high quality replacement parts and screens for Sweco® type (and other brands) circular gyratory screeners.

The ScreenerKing® mission is to serve our customers with the best aftermarket parts and screens with fast service and competitive prices. We want to be the best at serving YOU, the screener user. In that industry space, our goal is to be better at everything we do every day to serve you.

Experience counts: Having seen hundreds if not thousands of Sweco® applications in process facilities in every state, we can offer our customers valuable insight into how and why the screener can work in their particular application. We offer you more than the replacement part, screen or complete unit: we offer you our experience on what will best work in your process. In conjunction with our outside consulting engineers, we offer customer solutions.

Commitment & Quality: These priorities go “hand in hand” with our Mission statement. The screener market is our only business. We are dedicated to this effort and have been so for over 30 years. Under the supervision of our consulting engineers, all of our parts and units are manufactured to strict standards that will give our customers performance and value.

On a personal note: Thank you for your continued confidence in us. Your repeat orders tell us time and time again that we are serving you with what YOU need for value and performance. We look forward to serving you for many, many years and as always welcome your thoughts and suggestions on how we can serve YOU better!! We believe our relationship with you is a partnership helping to make your process more productive and profitable.

Bill Jackson